Soft Analysis of Discreet System Function Introducing Recursive Method

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A major advantage of discrete domain analysis is the reduction of characteristic roots from infinite to finite numbers and consequent simplicity in the analysis and design of the controller. In this paper a new algorithm is proposed towards the sample data control and also

A system in which the signal appears at one or more points in
the system as a sequence of pulses or numbers usually equally
spaced in time. A type of digital control system in which one or
more of the input or output signals is a continuous, or analog,
signal that has been sampled. There are two type of sampled
signal: sampling in time and quantization in amplitude.
Sampling refers to the process of converting an analog signal
from a continuously valued range of amplitude values to one of
a finite set of possible numerical values [1]. The sampled-data
systems have received significant attention to describe
nonlinear system characteristics [2].A major advantage of
discrete domain analysis is the reduction of characteristic roots
from infinite to finite numbers and consequent simplicity in the
analysis and design of the controller[3]. Discrete time control
theory comes up with unusual, but useful, control designs, with
negative PID tuning parameters being one of them[4].
